Authors: Belinda Marsh, Partner and Monisha Lazarus, Associate

The ACNC has recently published a new registration decision summary, which provides guidance on the appropriate charitable subtype for organisations seeking registration as a charity, with a charitable purpose of relieving necessitous circumstances.

Summary of ACNC registration decision
The ACNC decision summary relates to an organisation that

Authors: Belinda Marsh, Partner and Dylan Anderson, Paralegal 

Update on 2 November 2023 – the case referred to in this article is subject to an appeal to the Full Federal Court. We will provide a further update to the case and the response from ACNC as the matter develops.

The updated Commissioner’s Interpretation Statement has

Charities are required to file their Annual Information Statements (AIS) with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) each year. We have summarised the recent changes to Charities’ reporting obligations that you should be aware of.

Lifting Financial Reporting Thresholds for Small and Medium Charities

At the moment, small charities are classed as those with

For registered charities operating overseas or working with a third party overseas, there is a new set of standards that they must comply with in addition to the existing ACNC Governance Standards in this new financial year.

This set of new standards commonly referred to as “External Conduct Standards” are contained in the Australian Charities

It is quite common for charities to provide gifts or honorariums to individuals who are important to their organisations as a gesture to express their gratitude and appreciation. However, as registered entities with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), charities are required to comply with the ACNC’s Governance Standards when applying its resources. Therefore,

With effect from 1 October 2018, associations incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) which are registered charities will no longer have to submit annual financial reports to NSW Fair Trading as well as the Australian Charities & Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

The annual financial reports which these charities lodge

The ACNC legislation passed in 2012 allowed for the creation of minimum external conduct standards that are required to be met by registered charities.

To date, this issue seems to have been in the government’s too hard tray but Treasury has now issued draft external conduct standards and is seeking submissions on them.

The draft