It is quite common for charities to provide gifts or honorariums to individuals who are important to their organisations as a gesture to express their gratitude and appreciation. However, as registered entities with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC), charities are required to comply with the ACNC’s Governance Standards when applying its resources. Therefore,

The Prime Minister released the terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety on 9 October 2018.

The terms of reference are very broad and it is important that all those organisations involved in the provision of aged care either directly or indirectly consider

With effect from 1 October 2018, associations incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 (NSW) which are registered charities will no longer have to submit annual financial reports to NSW Fair Trading as well as the Australian Charities & Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).

The annual financial reports which these charities lodge

The ACNC legislation passed in 2012 allowed for the creation of minimum external conduct standards that are required to be met by registered charities.

To date, this issue seems to have been in the government’s too hard tray but Treasury has now issued draft external conduct standards and is seeking submissions on them.

The draft

Amendments to the Privacy Act introducing the Notifiable Data Breaches (NDB) scheme commences today, 22 February 2018.

The NDB scheme will apply to all organisations currently required to take steps to secure personal information, including but not limited to businesses and not-for-profit organisations with an annual turnover of $3 million, health service

Bill d’Apice, Chairman and Partner, has been recognised in Chambers and Partners’ Asia Pacific 2018 edition as a Band 1 lawyer in the area of Charities.

This is a well-deserved acknowledgement and recognition of Bill’s dedication to the Charity sector over many decades.

From the Chambers Asia-Pacific guide: 

“Bill d’Apice of Makinson & d’Apice in

A reminder to check your School Building Funds’ compliance with the ATO requirements.coinjar

School and College Building Funds may attract the attention of the ATO’s compliance program this year.  The ATO develops and implements its compliance program annually, which identifies key areas for its compliance activities for the financial year.  The compliance program targets areas

The ATO and ACNC are reminding charities and ancillary funds that the annual reporting period is fast approaching.


Charities registered with the ACNC (that have an annual year end of 30 June) have less than a week to submit their Annual Information Statement (AIS) to the ACNC. The AIS should be lodged via the