In a further step to provide a user-friendly and reliable source of data for the community, last week the Australian Business Register (ABR) and Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission (ACNC) entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to facilitate data sharing between the two agencies.
Occasionally, there are data discrepancies between the two registers which can create frustration, confusion and an unnecessary administrative burden on registered charities, particularly because a number of registered charities (not all) are only required to notify the ACNC of changes such as change of entity name.
Certain data sets will be shared on a weekly basis and a six monthly data match report will be conducted.
The MOU specifically sets out:
- the data the ABR and the ACNC will provide each other,
- the arrangements under which the data is provided, and
- how inconsistencies between the two registers are resolved,
and is available here
The ACNC Commissioner Ms Susan Pascoe noted “this is a significant step forward” and we look forward to the streamlining of administration this will produce for charities.
If you would like more information in relation to the above or any other charity related matters please do not hesitate to contact Bill d’Apice or Anna Lewis of our office on 02 9233 7788.