Last week the ACNC released a one page document to be used as a template governing document for registered charities who otherwise don’t have a constitution which satisfies the requirements of the ACNC.

This template governing document is for charities which are created by an Act of Parliament or are governed by  Canon Law and allows these entities to provide a link to where their governing documents are located.

In accordance with section 40-5 (1)(a)(vii) of the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012 (ACNC Act), the Commissioner is to retain a register (known as the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Register) in which the Commissioner includes information in respect of each registered entity including its governing rules. Thus, a charity is required to publicly provide a governing document.

Furthermore, in accordance with Governance Standard 1 (contained in the ACNC Regulations) charities are required to show that they are not-for-profit and work towards a charitable purpose. The ACNC website states that this can be done by “including [their] charitable purpose and a rule requiring them to operate as a not-for profit in their governing document… Once your governing documents appear on the ACNC Register you will be considered to [meet] this standard.” Accordingly, the template governing document for registered charities that are established under an Act of Parliament or are governed by  Canon Law is a useful tool in demonstrating the ACNC’s flexibility for accepting alternate sources of governing rules which may not ordinarily be considered as meeting the necessary requirements.

We recommend that any charity who has not already submitted their governing document to the ACNC ensure that the relevant governing document/s are uploaded to the ACNC Register.

Should you have any questions in relation to the ACNC Register or any other matters please do not hesitate to contact Bill d’Apice  or Anna Lewis in our office.