Summary – The legislation establishing the ACNC was not passed during the current session of Parliament.

Legislation to establish the Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission (ACNC) has not yet been passed by both Houses of Parliament during its September session.  The Bills were passed in the House of Representatives on 18 September 2012 but they have not yet been passed by the Senate and debate has been adjourned. 

As a consequence, the ACNC will not commence operations on 1 October 2012.

It is expected that the Bills will be reconsidered in the next Parliamentary sitting, week commencing 9 October 2012.  We understand that both the Government and the Greens are proposing certain amendments in the Senate which means that the passage of the Bills is more likely to occur.

An announcement by the Government on the consequences of the failure to pass these Bills is expected very shortly.